2014 sees me working on the following:
Writing Fellowships - lots of these to apply to within the first half of the year. These have done great things for a friend of mine, which has allowed me to see the direct results these programs produce.
Eat Geek Play reviews-
Check my stuff out here. The list will grow as more stuff gets posted. There's four reviews already done that haven't gone up yet at the time I write this.
DDP Yoga -
Started doing this. Will periodically update this with how stuff is going. Starting at beginner for 13 weeks. Check the guy out over at his official webpage.
Carnage Culture-
A new video project with my friend John Reyes Cadiente. We did some principal shooting Thursday, but need to do more before we have a full episode - weather was not our friend. The stuff we did shoot came out looking great and I can't wait to have something together. If you like the stuff I've written on here about going to Olvera Street or the Bruce Lee statue, you'll like that.
Today, I'm going to shoot an episode of my friend Reid Ackerman's web series, Strip Club. It's about comics, not people taking their clothes off. This might include a FIGHT SCENE, as long as the logistics work out with the giant monster head involved. I'll explain more some other time.