It all started with a New Year's resolution.
I decided I wanted to watch 365 movies this year, and keep a list of all of them. They CAN be movies I've seen before, but they CAN'T be on the list more than once. I did this because I feel like I was falling back on repeatedly watching certain movies. This way, I can get that out of my system with one viewing, and move on to something else. This doesn't have to be one movie a day, but it has to add up to 365 at the end of the year.
As I write this, I'm up to 261 movies. So over a series of posts, I'm going to talk about the movies I watched. They're not going to be wordy reviews or anything, just quick thoughts. I didn't write any of this on the list, mind you, so I'm working from memory. Chances are if I have no memory of something it was really, really boring.
1. LOOPER - I had already seen this in the theatres, and was watching it a second time. I kind of liked it less after seeing it again, but I still feel like this was pretty entertaining stuff. It's also written the complete opposite way that we learned to write movies in grad school, but you're bound to break a few rules when your hero and villain are the same guy.
2. PREMIUM RUSH - Don't know why it turned into a Joseph Gordon-Levitt double feature, but he's pretty great in everything he does, and this is no exception. Great sense of speed and urgency in this movie, and it's a real fun watch. It kind of feels like Run Lola Run with bikes, and that's actually a huge compliment.
3. THAT'S MY BOY - Okay, everyone hated this, but I thought it sucked way less than people were saying. Still thought it sucked, though. I haven't seen Jack and Jill so I can't say which is worse, but man, it's way worse than the Sandler classics, obviously.
4. THE KARATE KID, PART 2 - Caught this on TV. Of course, seen it before. As a kid, I loved these movies, and anything martial arts related, so you're going to see enough martial arts films on here to make sections of this list look like Kung Fu Theatre. I do have a knock on this film for being kind of boring and slow; not nearly enough ass kicking. I made up with that for the action figures after the film, having everyone throw down in the Karate Kid Attack Alley playset that was one of my most cherished toys as a kid.
5. THE WATCH - Another one everyone hated that I thought sucked way less than people said, though I still didn't really enjoy it. I see why it had such marketing issues - the alien stuff was really poorly done, and they tried to hide it as much as possible.
That's it for now. I'd say I'm about 2 for 5 in this batch; can't recommend Karate Kid 2 unless you're having trouble getting to sleep. Next time, I'm going to have two movies in there that I'll have some controversial opinions on (since pretty much everyone but me loved them, but after talking to Mike he wasn't a fan either), more JGL, and promise alligator-human hybrids as well.
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