Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Instant Watch Wednesdays - The FP

Casey here. Chances are if you know me, I've told you to watch The FP a thousand times and if you haven't done it yet, it's going to happen again and again until you just break down and do it.

COME AHHNNNNNNNNN. Click here to queue it.

While these posts are usually going to be pretty short, highlighting something available on Netflix Instant Watch that you should be doing, I've got a classic article on when me, my friends the THUNDER BROTHERS(brother) and Little Buddy all went to a special premiere screening at the Cinefamily in Hollywood.

I live in Castaic. It's a tiny town built around a lake that's been shut down for ecoli contamination an assload of times, and a truck stop.

It's the last bastion of civilization for about 30-40 miles. After that, it's no-man's land. Miss an exit and you're fucked, son. Hope you have enough gas.

Just past that no-man's land is Fraizer Park, which is like if Castaic froze in time when I was growing up there in the 80s.

This almost post-apocalyptic wasteland is where the FP takes place.

Look, I'm not going to recap the plot and shit. Just head on over to The Drafthouse Films Site and take a look yourself.

Long story short - gangs fight using Beat Beat Revelation, a DDR clone.

Me and my homey since third grade and Castaic expatriate Tracy, Grad School Screenwriting homey John, and his brother(and also my homey) James went to see the Saturday premiere of The FP at Cinefamily. If you've never been, and you live in California, go immediately, Cinefamily is the shit.

We loved this movie, you guys.

If you like John Carpenter, Dance Dance Revolution, and are gangsta as fuck, you'll enjoy it too. Shit, I've already preordered the Blu Ray from Drafthouse Films, and that doesn't come out until June.

Here's a photo of me with JTRO, aka Jason Trost.

He's our main character in the film, but he co-wrote and co-directed with his brother Brandon Trost, who is a bomb-ass DP. I have a feeling these guys are going to be making awesome stuff for a long time to come - I hope FP is the hit it deserves to be so these guys can get some funding to make even more stuff.

Here's a photo of me with Art Hsu, who plays KCDC, the heart of Fraizer Park. He gets JTRO to come back and avenge the death of his brother, and is hilarious doing it. Really cool guy, and has the best speech in the film. Do it for the ducks.

So yeah, this film is a must see. In fact, even though you're reading this review right now, if you haven't seen the movie yet, I think less of you as a person for not having seen it. So see it and I will love you again.

-Head Ninja Casey

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