Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today is officially Miami Connection Day.

Tonight, we're going to a a get together where everyone is going to be watching Miami Connection.

I've seen it before, and I LOVE the movie, which is one of the best "bad/good" movies that's out there.

The best thing about it is Mike is going to see it for the first time, and man, I don't think he knows what he's in for yet. We'll be posting our thoughts about it later, which will be Mike's reaction to seeing the movie for the first time, and me saying "But dude, motorcycle ninjas!" to everything.

That's right. Motorcycle ninjas. If this doesn't sell you on the movie, I don't know what to tell you. Why are you reading this?

Check out this trailer, which will get you pretty amped for the movie, if you have a soul.

Miami Connection is available on Netflix Instant, Blu Ray, DVD, and even a sweet, limited edition VHS. WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!


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